Empowering Lives, One Punch at a Time - Building Confidence, Community, and Skills Through Boxing

Empowering Lives, One Punch at a Time - Building Confidence, Community, and Skills Through Boxing

Activate Boxing Academy

Discover Our Programs: More Than Just Boxing

At Activate Boxing Academy, we go beyond the traditional scope of a boxing gym to create an environment where each punch and step forward strengthens a supportive, confident, and cohesive community. Our programs are thoughtfully designed to enrich physical fitness and foster life skills, embodying a holistic approach to self-defense, dedication, and personal growth. We believe in leveraging the discipline and passion for fitness inherent in boxing to inspire greatness in individuals of all ages.

Our commitment extends to providing a nurturing space for children and teens to learn new skills and gain confidence, as well as offering morning boxing fitness classes for adults looking for an energetic start to their day. These sessions aim to enhance health, well-being, and a sense of community, ensuring that every member of the family finds their place and purpose within our academy. Join us on a transformative journey where fitness meets empowerment, and every individual is set on a path to becoming a thriving member of society.

Activate Boxing Academy

Meet Our Coaches: Passion & Expertise Combined

At Activate Boxing Academy, our foundation is built upon the diverse expertise and shared passion of our lead coaches, Erica and Chris. Coach Erica, a certified fitness boxing coach from Box N Burn, brings years of experience in training a wide age range, focusing on strength, agility, and boxing fundamentals. Coach Chris, with his experience started boxing at the age of 14 in the USA amateur boxing association. He adds a depth of practical fighting knowledge and technique in the ring. Together, they create a harmonious blend of fitness and fighting wisdom, dedicated to fostering growth, discipline, and love for boxing in all our students. Their combined efforts ensure that every member, from young kids to adults, benefits from a well-rounded, engaging boxing experience.

Activate Boxing Academy

We’re passionate about leveraging boxing to empower the Fresno community, fostering a supportive environment that transcends the gym. Our collaboration with local schools and organizations enhances physical fitness, mental well-being, and social responsibility among members of all ages. Through our efforts, we aim to inspire resilience, confidence, and camaraderie, making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and the broader community. Our mission is to not only create champions in the ring but also to cultivate thriving members of society, committed to positive change and mutual support.